
General Physician in Delhi

A general physician is the first point of contact who stands erect between any patient and his or her illness. Diseases ranging from simple fever, soar throat, loose stools, to common infections, or uncontrolled sugar/ blood pressure, urine infections, common airway diseases like asthma, flu etc are all correctly identified, best investigations are advised and adequate treatment plan is suggested to the patient by a general physician. Not only this but a general physician refers the patients to concerned specialists at the right time to correct any difficult cases and improve prognosis of the disease.

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a group of disorders which lead to increased blood glucose levels. At Erudite Medical Clinic, doctors provide excellent care and support to manage high blood glucose levels including different modalities of treatment like oral glucose lowering drug treatment with insulin as add-on, managing sugar levels during pregency, old age and others the doctors are well equipped with required knowledge and skills par with international standards different modalities are used ti our clinic for managing raised blood sugars preventing fall in glucose levels and managing its complications.

Hypertension / High Blood pressure

Patient with raised blood are well attended expects ligh at and Clinic by pressures Managing in their fields of knowledge. peen BP along with premention of its complications 4 regular follow-ups of the pt is what that can be expected at aut chinke.

Dengue, Malaria, Typhoid and Other Infections

with changes in reasons and keeping in mind. that Indians are more prone to be affected by mosquito & other vector bone diseases, our cline equips ittery to diagnose 4 provide optimum management to all such diseases like dengue. malaria, and typhoid, common cold & cough, pmeumonia etc. All warning signs are well explained to the pt. & timely Refrals are advised to higher for appropriate the intervention.